Saturday, August 29, 2015

Metro Denver counties popular with out-of-state movers

4,378 more people moved into Denver county than out of it to another state, according to new Census Bureau data.
4,378 more people moved into Denver county than out of it to another state, according to… more
Metro Denver's rise in popularity among Americans continues to grow, with more U.S. residents moving here than moving away, according to new data released Tuesday by the U.S. Census Bureau.
The data, which shows the migration between U.S. counties between 2009-2013, categorizes counties based on inbound, outbound and net moves.
Denver county, with a population of 610,006, saw 23,738 people from another state move to the county in the time period, while 19,360 moved to a different state — meaning 4,378 more people moved into Denver county than from the Mile High city to another state.
The movement within the state painted a slightly different picture, however — 42,674 people moved into Denver county from other counties in Colorado, while 47,155 moved out into another Colorado county during the 2009-13 time period.
Philip Voegtle
Philip Voegtle
Matrix Design Group, Inc.
Bjorn Jespersen
Bjorn Jespersen
Swinerton Builders
Calvin Quan
Calvin Quan
See More People on the Move
Other metro Denver counties were a similar story.
Arapahoe County, with a population of 577,072, saw 19,187 move from a different state and 15,128 to a different state — for a net gain of 4,059. It also had 38,246 Colorado residents move into it from other counties while 34,290 moved elsewhere in the state.
The Jefferson County area, population 534,899, also attracted more people than it lost — with 4,396 more people moving from out-of-state into the county than left. Douglas County's population of 289,359 also grew a bit, with 1,163 more people moving into the county from another state than out of the county, while Broomfield (population of 56,530) had 777 more move in than out. Adams County, which has a population of 444,796, saw the smallest difference, with just 307 more people moving form other states than to other states.
Denver county also attracted 4,874 residents who moved in from abroad.
Nationally, about 18 percent of all movers in the U.S. and Puerto Rico, totaling 8.5 million, moved to a different metro during the time period.
The U.S. Census Bureau report can be found here.

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